At WVHS, Community Service is defined as a one time or a short term volunteer commitment. We offer community service for those in need of hours for community services, school projects, or lettering.

Thank you for your interest in serving your community service hours at the Wenatchee Valley Humane Society. Individuals seeking to fulfill community service requirements do not participate in the volunteer program; they complete projects, clean kennels or do other housekeeping tasks that involve minimal contact with the animals or the clients at the shelter.

Community Service Volunteers must read the guidelines, complete the Community Service Application and sign the Code of Conduct Waiver in order to get started. Please note, WVHS reserves the right to refuse a Community Service Volunteer for any reason.

Community Service guidelines

Must be 16 years or older and be available for a dedicated shift or to do a project raising donations (items or money) for the shelter, making toys or bedding or other related projects on their own; those under the age of 16 must have an adult present while serving their time on site.

All on-site Community Service shifts must be scheduled in advance. Prior to scheduling a shift, you must complete and turn in a Community Service Application. These are available in the Front Office. Once your application is turned in, you will be contacted by the Volunteer Coordinator to schedule your hours. The WVHS reserves the right to turn away those who do not show up on time, are dressed inappropriately, or fail to complete tasks to the standards we set. You may be asked to leave early if there is a lack of work available.

Dress Code

To prevent slipping, exposure to harsh cleaning chemicals and injuries, all Community Service Volunteers are required to wear flat, enclosed, rubber-soled shoes at all times.

Community Service Volunteers may NOT wear: thong sandals, flip-flops or any shoe with an open toe, t-shirts with controversial or offensive messages, halter tops, back-less shirts, off the shoulder shirts, muscle shirts, see-through clothing, tank tops or large earrings or excessive dangling jewelry that may catch or interfere with volunteer duties in any way.

Community Service Volunteers with tattoos displaying nudity, controversial/ offensive subject or language will be required to cover the tattoo up during their time at the shelter.

Cell Phone Policy

Community Service Volunteers are asked to refrain from the use of cell phones while serving their time with the WVHS. Phones may be answered in an emergency situation only. Those found to be using their phones frequently (excessive texting/talking) will be asked to cease or leave.