nominate your pet to be our 2025 canine royalty
WVHS will be marching in the Apple Blossom Festival Stemilt Grand Parade on Saturday May 3, 2025. We need a doggy King and Queen to lead us and it could be your canine that wears the crown!
Fill in the form to nominate your pup for Canine King or Queen. Nominations are $20 per submission.
NOMINATIONS: February 24th - March 21st
VOTING: March 31st - April 11th
CROWNING: April 19th
PARADE: May 3th
ALL nominations may join us in the parade!
All entrants must be a living dog resident in Chelan and Douglas Counties and able to participate in the crowning at Union Hill Cider Dogs and walk in the Apple Blossom Stemilt Grand Parade.