You may access codification of the general ordinances of the City of Entiat, WA online by clicking on the following link: Entiat City code. Note: the City Clerk’s Office has the official version of the Entiat City Code.
The Entiat City Hall is located at 14070 Kinzel, Entiat WA. Phone is (509) 784-1500.
For Washington State Laws refer to the Revised Code of Washington website.
Animal Control Services are from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. unless an animal is severely injured.
The following are some of the basic animal control ordinances for the City of Entiat.
Pet owners are required to provide animals with necessary food, water, shelter, sanitation, space, and medical attention, if needed.
Leash law applies when off your own property in city limits. Note: streets and sidewalks are public property.
Barking, whining and howling habitually for a period of more than fifteen (15) minutes. The Wenatchee Valley Animal Care and Control officers handle these calls during contract hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.
Licensing your dog is required annually, at age 4 months and up. Dog and cat license expire one year from the month of purchase. Please renew before expiration date to avoid a late fee. Licenses are obtained at the Wenatchee Humane Society during regular business hours. Click here for licensing information & costs.
Cats are allowed to roam the neighborhood. Your neighbors have the right to insist your cats stay off their property if causing property damage.
Rabies vaccinations for all animals must be kept current.
Kennel registration is obtained at Entiat City Hall for $100. This applies for owners of more than 3 dogs.
School grounds are off limits to dogs at all times.